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Wheel Alignment

Wheel Alignment or tracking, is important for good road holding and to maximise the life of the tyres. Hitting a kerb or driving at speed through a pot hole can result in misalignment.

Our web wheel alignment offer is for the 2 front wheels to be aligned. This is due to the fact that although every modern car can have its front wheels adjusted, not all cars can have their rear wheels aligned so there is little our technicians can do about it.

For most cars aligning the front wheels will resolve many of the uneven tyre wear problems. However there will be some cases where all 4 wheels will need to be aligned. On checking your vehicle our Autocentres can advise on requirements and if adjustments can be made will advise of the additional cost.

The direction and angle at which tyres are set are both important. Wheel alignment involves checking the direction and angle against vehicle manufacturers' specifications and are both equally important. You may hear these described as toe in, toe out, positive camber or negative camber.

Incorrect wheel alignment can result in rapid wearing on the edges of the tyre and could affect the handling on the vehicle and certainly mean a replacement earlier than would otherwise be required.


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